Thursday, 26 September 2013

O Canada!

** this post probably contains far too many photos ~ what can I say?  I like photos! **

July long weekend is typically our first "official" day at the beach.  This past July 1st however, threw us for a loop with all its drizzly and overcast skies.  Not wanting to chance dragging our stuff out to the beach, only to have it pour on us, we shook off our disappointment (have I mentioned we LOVE the beach?) and put our heads together to come up with a new plan.  One thing was sure...we didn't want to stay home.  Long weekends are family time 100%, and should we stay home there is always the temptation to pick up the hammer, drill or paintbrush.  Nope, we were going OUT.

We decided on the Cambridge Butterfly Conservatory.  We had been to the Conservatory in Niagara Falls a couple of times, but it really never gets old.  We were impressed with it, considering its size and we easily spent an hour and a half there.

The day ended in a most fun way.  We were driving, crossing a bridge of sorts, and I asked Henry if he knew what was on the other side of the high wall.  He said " a river".  We decided to check it out. We ended up walking the Grand River Trail and having a most wonderful time.  What a treat!  We've lived in this area for over 15 years and we've never explored this area only an hour(ish from home)...we're looking forward to going back!

We finished the day off with attending the Canada Day celebration fireworks at Pinafore Park, here in St.Thomas.  A great long weekend.

 This girl and I have some crazy hair.  It was humid in there.  We looked somewhat ridiculous when we left ;)

We were able to witness a Heron catch his dinner right out of the rapids (can you see it?).  Pretty neat!

On our way to fireworks, lawn chairs and blankets in tow.

  Serious Jedi stuff going on here.

 O Canada! 

 Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our dominion within thy loving care;
Help us to find, O God, in thee
A lasting, rich reward,
As waiting for the Better Day,
We ever stand on guard.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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